4 May 2017

Working with Tabular Data

  • Vanilla JS
  • Vue
  • React

Designing tables in Sketch can be downright frustrating. And despite the myriad plugins that advertise “[an] easy way to populate your design with meaningful data,” I’m convinced that code is often a better tool for the job. This play will get you up and iterating over data sets with Javascript, like a pro, in ~5 minutes.


Let’s suppose you’re designing a dashboard and you need to turn a raw, CSV export of project data into a beautiful table.

The Final Product


The key to this play is identifying a schema to represent your data. Luckily, if you have a CSV dump to work with, the schema is likely right before your eyes.

Uber for Cats,$1,000,000,Jane Smith
Twitter for Puppies,$10,000,000,John Doe
Lyft for Fish,$15,000,000,Sally Stevenson

Each row of data has a name, budget, and lead. And so, we can represent any given row of our dataset as a Javascript Object, using those descriptors as properties:

let project = {
  name: 'Uber for Cats',
  budget: '$1,000,000',
  lead: 'Jane Smith'

Now, we can collect each individual project object in a Javascript Array:

let projects = [
    name: 'Uber for Cats',
    budget: '$1,000,000',
    lead: 'Jane Smith'
    name: 'Twitter for Puppies',
    budget: '$10,000,000',
    lead: 'John Doe'
    name: 'Lyft for Fish',
    budget: '$15,000,000',
    lead: 'Sally Stevenson'

We’re done with the hard part. Let’s see how to get this list of projects onto the page.

Implementation — Vanilla JS (ES6)

Here’s the game plan:

  • Iterate over our Array of projects using forEach1
  • For each project, build a template literal that represents a table row, interpolating the name, budget, and lead
let tableRow = `
  <td class="pa3 bb b--black-10">
  <td class="pa3 bb b--black-10">
  <td class="pa3 bb b--black-10">
  • Insert the newly created table row into the DOM using insertAdjacentHTML2

See the Pen Table - Vanilla JS (ES6) by Matt Rothenberg (@mattrothenberg) on CodePen.

Implementation - Vue JS

Here’s the game plan:

  • Construct a Vue instance, passing our array of projects to its data attribute
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    projects: [
        name: 'Uber for Cats',
        budget: '$1,000,000',
        lead: 'Jane Smith'
      // etcetera
  • Leverage the v-for syntax in our HTML to iterate over our array of projects and display each one
<tr v-for="project in projects">
  <td class="pa3 bb b--black-10">{{ project.name }}</td>
  <td class="pa3 bb b--black-10">{{ project.budget }}</td>
  <td class="pa3 bb b--black-10">{{ project.lead }}</td>

See the Pen Table - Vue.js by Matt Rothenberg (@mattrothenberg) on CodePen.

Implementation — React JS

Here’s the game plan

  • Make a stateless functional component called <ProjectsTable> . This component should accept a list of projects as a property.
const ProjectsTable = ({projects}) => (
  // nothing to see here
  • Map over the list of projects and return a table row for each, interpolating the name, budget, and lead.
    projects.map((project) => {
          <td className="pa3 bb b--black-10">{ project.name }</td>
          <td className="pa3 bb b--black-10">{ project.budget }</td>
          <td className="pa3 bb b--black-10">{ project.lead }</td>

See the Pen Table - React JS by Matt Rothenberg (@mattrothenberg) on CodePen.
